A Network of Plan Experts
The National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators, Inc. (NAGDCA) provides cutting-edge resources, tools, and networking opportunities for plan sponsors and service providers of government-sponsored defined contribution retirement plans.

Member Resources
Build, maintain, and support effective government-defined contribution plans with guidance from our expert-driven online resources.

Member Tools
Find the support, data, and solutions you need to offer government-defined contribution plans that make a positive impact with our professional tools.

Get Connected
Connect with experienced professionals in the NAGDCA community and get the advice you need to make confident plan decisions.
Call for Annual Conference Session Proposals
The window to submit session proposals is now open, and we’re excited to hear your ideas for dynamic, engaging, [...]
New PRRL Fast Fact: Stable-Value Fund Utilization in Public-Sector DC Plans
This edition examines the utilization of stable-value funds among public-sector DC plan participants, expanding on findings from PRRL’s 2024 [...]
Legislative Action
NAGDCA engages the services of Groom Law Group, a legislative affairs firm whose team works daily with key regulators, legislators, and their staffs to improve the 457, 403(b), 401(a), and 401(k) tax codes, and protect against laws and regulations that could negatively impact public sector worker’s ability to secure their retirement. Have a question for our legislative affairs team? Submit it here.
NAGDCA Connect is an online learning series consisting of webinars and interactive discussion sessions. These virtual engagement events are designed to deliver key information on topical issues, offer insights on legislative updates, and provide opportunities for members to connect year round in an online setting.
Annual Programs

Annual Conference
The NAGDCA Annual Conference is the premier government defined contribution event in the nation. Representatives from all levels of state and local government, and our industry partners, gather each year to learn about all aspects of government defined contribution plans – from federal legislation to best practices to new research and trends.

Awards Program
The annual awards program highlights the incredible work NAGDCA members are doing every day to secure the retirement future of their public sector employees. NAGDCA annually recognizes the brightest ideas and most innovative solutions from across the industry with its Leadership Recognition, Members’ Choice, and Art Caple President’s Awards. Learn more about the awards program below.

National Retirement Security Month
National Retirement Security Month (NRSM) is a federally sponsored initiative celebrated during the month of October that aims raise public awareness of the importance of saving for retirement, educate participants about the various tax-preferred retirement vehicles, increase personal financial literacy, and engage the people of the United States on the keys to success in achieving and maintaining retirement security throughout their lifetimes.
Data Center
In 2020, NAGDCA and the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) launched the Public Retirement Research Lab (PRRL). This collaborative project creates a first-of-its-kind database for public sector defined contribution retirement plan information, which will be used as the primary source of information for cutting-edge retirement research. NAGDCA members who authorize their participation in the PRRL will receive access to the data through our online benchmarking data portal.

NAGDCA Membership
NAGDCA’s robust and experienced government membership includes plan sponsors from all around the country representing all sizes of municipality from small towns to state-level agencies. Our industry members are among the very best in the private sector and can offer expertise in plan service and management options. We offer several tools to our plan sponsor and industry members including an open forum, best practices, and comparative tools.

Government Membership
NAGDCA is the only organization in the country that tailors its content and services specifically to your needs as a public sector defined contribution plan sponsor. NAGDCA delivers cutting-edge data, research, and best practices to help make sponsors of 457, 403(b), 401(a) or 401(k) plans be more effective in your role, and deliver better outcomes to your participants. We also help sponsors make personal connections with the brightest minds in the industry, and represent your interests regarding public sector retirement legislation and regulation at the federal level.

Industry Membership
For our corporate partners, NAGDCA offers the unique opportunity to share your expertise and make connections across the public sector retirement industry. NAGDCA is the only organization that brings together public plan sponsors and private sector experts to share ideas and create innovative new solutions to help public sector employees achieve a secure retirement. Whether you participate in our marquee annual conference, share your thoughts at our Industry Roundtable, or answer questions in our online member forums, NAGDCA offers you the ability to make an outsized impact in your field.