NAGDCA’s Legislative Action
NAGDCA acts as the collective voice at the federal level. We engage the services of Groom Law Group, a legislative affairs firm whose team works daily with key regulators, legislators, and their staffs to improve the 457, 403(b), 401(a), and 401(k) tax codes, and protect against laws and regulations that could negatively impact public sector worker’s ability to secure their retirement. While single plan sponsors may be unable to effect change, NAGDCA acts as the collective voice of all our government members, in order to directly influence crucial legislation and regulation.
Have a question for our legislative affairs team? Submit it here.
Our Legislative Priorities
As plan sponsors, you understand the problems associated with plan administration and execution better than the entities that control legislation and regulation. NAGDCA’s legislative priorities are reviewed and revised annually to reflect the current needs and interests of our members, based on feedback and discussion, as related to federal retirement regulation and legislation. Our legislative affairs team lobbies the Senate and House, generally through their finance committees, to pass legislation related to the tax codes that govern our members and dictate their ability to administer plans effectively.
Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy
In conjunction with Groom Law Group, NAGDCA aims to help government officials define better legislation for plan sponsors and participants alike. The firm actively works to protect tax codes and ensure public sector employees’ ability to retire securely. Browse our Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy page to review our formal communications to lawmakers and learn more about our current advocacy action plan.
Updates from Washington
Stay up-to-date on legislation affecting the government defined contribution plan landscape through our quarterly newsletter. Updates from Washington offers insights on legislation, regulatory rulings, and fiduciary responsibilities as well as the latest in retirement news and information from Washington straight from our legislative affairs team.