2025 Annual Banner

Call for Session Proposals

Proposals due Friday, March 7.

The NAGDCA Annual Conference Committee invites submissions from the best and brightest in the public sector defined contribution industry. We seek speakers who can inspire, educate, and deliver practical, actionable insights to our conference attendees. Before starting the required online form, download the sample form to gather the necessary proposal and speaker details.

The NAGDCA Annual Conference is a curated experience. Submitting a proposal does not guarantee selection, as the Conference Committee reviews each submission to select sessions that align with programming needs. We look forward to your ideas!


Sessions are one hour long to meet continuing education requirements. Click here to review the pre-approved session formats for ideas. Creative and interactive instructional approaches are highly encouraged.


Our primary audience includes public sector defined contribution plan sponsors, committee members, and board members, ranging from new professionals to industry veterans. A secondary audience includes service providers such as recordkeepers, consultants, and asset managers.


  1. Review the list of session topics curated by the Conference Committee.
  2. Download the sample proposal form to prepare speaker and session details.
  3. Complete the online form by March 7. Please note, all speakers included in proposals should confirm their availability before submission.

NAGDCA is committed to fostering an inclusive community. We value and encourage diverse perspectives and participation throughout all our activities and in the business of the Association. 


Before beginning the required online form below, please download the sample form to gather the necessary proposal and speaker details.

Annual Conference Session Proposal

Proposals due Friday, March 7.


Contact information for all proposed speakers is required so please be sure you have all those details collected before you begin this form. The contact information you provide below is how we will communicate with you regarding the status of your proposal. If accepted, the speaker information you provide will be used in conference publications, so please be as accurate as possible.

Who should we communicate with regarding the status of this proposal?
Please include name, title, credentials, organization, and email address for each proposed presenter.
Please provide a short biography (limit 150 words) in paragraph format for each speaker that describes their experience and expertise as it relates to the subject of this proposal.

Please take the time to submit a thoughtful proposal that clearly articulates the intent of the session. Priority may be given to new program content that is unique to NAGDCA Annual Conference. Please do not include the speakers, company, or product names in the session title, description, or other elements of the proposal.
What is the primary topic area that best describes the focus of your proposed session? The topics listed below have been pre-selected by the Annual Conference Committee and will be given preference. (Select only one.) Please click here to review the full list of session topics.
Please submit, in 10 words or less, your session title.
In five words or less, further describe the overall topic.
Please describe the overall focus and goal of the session, including key points and supporting topics. Please note, all speakers should focus on providing content that is specific to the public sector.
Please clearly define how your session will support attendees' knowledge and skills for use back at the office. Put emphasis on participants acquiring skills, rather than simply receiving knowledge and information. For example, “Attendees will understand the latest email marketing practices to reach their intended audiences." (Please include a minimum of three.)
Please click here to review a list of pre-approved session formats.
How would you describe the instructional flow for this session? What techniques and adult learning methods will be deployed? How will the time be used? Creative approaches to instruction that go beyond the basic approach are strongly encouraged. Please be specific.
While we know that people from many backgrounds may gain value from your proposed session, please describe the primary audience that will benefit most.
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