As the nation’s largest deferred compensation plan, the complexity of having more than 1,900 participating employers and individual pay centers is unique when fitting this structure into a linear technology solution. This meant non-standard requirements needed to be developed. In addition, with employees in non-traditional worksites, it was important to develop promotional materials that delivered a mobile-optimized experience, allowing enrollment to be completed on a smartphone after scanning a code on a poster.
The launch of the solution and promotional materials drove a 78% increase in enrollments the first month and a sustained 20% average increase for the first quarter over the prior year. In addition, employers provided unsolicited feedback about the benefits of the mobile promotion, stating that their employees enrolled via their smartphones in the first week and were impressed with how easy it was.
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- 0.00 KB File Size
- August 7, 2019 Create Date
- August 31, 2023 Last Updated